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Psalm 41-Ever Felt Like You Have Been Thrown to the Dogs When You Were Ill?

July 13, 2012


ImageHead: Honoring God with our minds & through study:


Enter this story either as a close observer, or better, as the main participant. You are a pastor of a church awaiting a liver transplant. You are frequently ill, unable to make all the calls, or preach at your best. A rumble begins in the church. “We understand the pastor is not feeling well, but our needs just are NOT being met.” A meeting is called at one of the home bible studies. A delegate is appointed to visit the other studies with the same concern. A congregational meeting is called, the pastor is asked to step down until he feels better (and loses his health insurance) and a pulpit committee is formed. (True Story) NOW, imagine you are the pastor…or his daughter. What would be the range of your emotions?


I.David’s Great Experience with the Great Physician and Rescuer 41:1-5


If this is an event from King Dave’s life, then possibly one of his most trusted counselors, a friend with whom he ate and shared his deepest hurts with…turns-coat on him and helps to lead a rebellion with Pops-of-Peace, Ab-Shalom.


-Is David arguing here, because he has helped others…God should help him now?


41:1-Blessed is the one who has regard for the weak: The Hebrew “Weak”. dalcan mean 1) sick-Naaman or Job the leper, or…; 2) Poor like Ruth & Naomi cared for by Boaz;  3) depressed, such as King David here!; and/or 4) those with mental illness. In other words, any of us! Because we care, more than a heart-felt thought, but an act, therefore- here are 7 areas of blessing for those who care:


1.41:1-The Lord will deliver him in times of trouble-Jonah; David from Saul; Joseph;


2.41:2-The Lord will protect him-Numbers 6:24-May the Lord bless and KEEP, Protect you.


3.        -the Lord will preserve his life


4.        -The Lord will bless the person in the land


5.        -The Lord will not surrender him to the desires of his foes


6.41:3-The Lord will sustain him on his own sickbed


7.        -The Lord will restore him FROM his bed of illness. Isaiah records Hezekiah’s struggles on his death bed in Is. 38;1-2


41:4-O Lord, have mercy on me; heal me for I have sinned against you. In the same way Hezekiah “turned towards the wall” away from those in the room, and wept loudly saying: “Remember (act) me O lord…” so the Psalmist is praying away the veil of death.


II.David’s Terrible Encounter with Great Enemies 41:5-9


   1) 41:5-Plural-They are Many & Malicious-


   2) They are Vulturous -circling, waiting, asking “When will he die…”


   3) 41:6 They are Vicious Visitors infectiously spreading health rumors-Gossips. So those who falsely slander go on to falsely diagnose. One of the visitors is his closest friend, 41:9, who has raised his heel, kicked the fallen man while he was down!


   4) 41:7 They are Whispering Woes of the Dying: This Hebrew word for whisper can also mean, chanting some magical formula to hurry the death along! Note Psalm 58:5-7; Eccles. 10:11.




III.David’s Great Request To experience Anew God’s Protective Presence. 41:10-13


41:10-Have mercy…raise me UP, so I can repay them. Imagine the report. “Did you hear about the King? His fever broke & he was out standing out on his balcony. Rumor has it, that tomorrow, he will be going out to inspect the battle worthiness of his troops.” Hear the fear. Much like Haman knew his day of death was drawing close because of his attempt to kill the Jews in Esther 6:13, so the Counselor Ahithophel, and the High Priest Abiathar and the Army Commander Joab must have been fear-struck.


41:12-In my integrity…in YOUR presence. David’s request in Psalm 51:11 is similar-do not cast-divorce me away from your face, your presence. The SIN of 41:4, causes God to turn his face, his presence AWAY from David. Forgiveness causes God to turn his face away, away from our sins and towards us. WHICH way do we want God looking at? WHAT do we want God looking at?


41:13 is a Praise Chorus that closes 4 of the 5 “Books” of the Psalms transitioning to the next Book, Book II here, Psalm 42






“When will he die…”

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One Comment
  1. Kevin Bryan permalink

    Hey Boss, I’m lovin’ these. Thanks for your hard work!

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