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Psalm 44-A Little Transparency With God Please-Heart of My Worship

July 16, 2012


Heart of my worship:

Honestly, how do you REALLY feel? The Psalms  teach us to be honest, transparent, true to our hurt or joy.

St. Augustine wrote: “If the psalm prays, pray; if it cries, cry; if it gives thanks, rejoice; if it hopes, hope; if it fears, fear.”

Psalm 44 is a Psalm of Confusion, caused by God or allowed by God or caused by our theology about God.

Not that the Psalm is confused, but the Psalmist is confused about WHERE  God is. Been there? The Psalmist is confused about WHY God hasn’t held up his end of the deal.  Is that you today?

If so, use this Psalm as a template and remember: “If the psalm prays, pray; if it cries, cry; if it gives thanks, rejoice; if it hopes, hope; if it fears, fear.”

BIG problem: IF God was so faithful to our fathers, why has he disappeared for us? IF the people are faithful, where is the divine payback-God, why aren’t you faithful! In 44:17 the covenant kept by the people, and apparently broken by God. Have we every wrestled with the why of suffering, when we believe we have not sinned but have been faithful? We are not alone.

Our Fathers have told us: Power of generational storytelling about what our Faithful Father in Heaven has done for us. Read the following passages about generational story telling:  Judges 6:13, Psalm 78:3 and esp. Joel 1:1-3 for baaad warning stories. Perhaps our kids neeeeeed us to tell them moving stories of God in OUR lives, not just history lessons from the Bible. Better, illustrating the truth of the Bible Stories via God storying in our lives. Perhaps we need to GET A STORY, to live a life of faith in God to co-create with God stories!

Honestly, how do you REALLY feel? The Psalms  teach us to be honest, transparent, true to our hurt or joy.

St. Augustine wrote: “If the psalm prays, pray; if it cries, cry; if it gives thanks, rejoice; if it hopes, hope; if it fears, fear.”

Psalm 44 is a Psalm of Confusion, caused by God or allowed by God or caused by our theology about God.

Not that the Psalm is confused, but the Psalmist is confused about WHERE  God is. Been there? The Psalmist is confused about WHY God hasn’t held up his end of the deal.  Is that you today?

If so, use this Psalm as a template and remember: “If the psalm prays, pray; if it cries, cry; if it gives thanks, rejoice; if it hopes, hope; if it fears, fear.”

BIG problem: IF God was so faithful to our fathers, why has he disappeared for us? IF the people are faithful, where is the divine payback-God, why aren’t you faithful! In 44:17 the covenant kept by the people, and apparently broken by God. Have we every wrestled with the why of suffering, when we believe we have not sinned but have been faithful? We are not alone.

Our Fathers have told us: Power of generational storytelling about what our Faithful Father in Heaven has done for us. Read the following passages about generational story telling:  Judges 6:13, Psalm 78:3 and esp. Joel 1:1-3 for baaad warning stories. Perhaps our kids neeeeeed us to tell them moving stories of God in OUR lives, not just history lessons from the Bible. Better, illustrating the truth of the Bible Stories via God storying in our lives. Perhaps we need to GET A STORY, to live a life of faith in God to co-create with God stories!

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